How a co-signer applies

What should Third Party Guarantors or Cosigners do?

  1. Select the listing for which you wish to act as a Third-Party Guarantor or Cosigner.
  2. Click the “Apply Now” button on the apartment you wish to help someone qualify for.
  3. Fill out the online application. You will be asked if you wish to apply as a “Tenant” or “Guarantor or Cosigner”, select the button for “Guarantor or Cosigner”
  4. Please note that you will be filling out and submitting an application and the person you are cosigning for will be filling out and submitting a separate application.
  5. When prompted attach a legible Scan/Photo of supporting documents:
  6. Valid State Identification/Driver’s License
  7. Last pay stub showing YTD pay or other documentation of income such as a recent tax form
  8. Do not send documents via email. Our online application process is secure, email is not.
  9. A cosigner must submit his/her own application. Do not attach Guarantor/Cosigner documents to the future tenant’s application.
  10. A Guarantor/Cosigner should be an adult US citizen with a verifiable income enough to cover the monthly rent of the person he/she is cosigning for and have an acceptable credit history

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